
Interviewed by a deviant

I got this from alien redrum's blog and stupidly asked him to interview me:

Here are the instructions:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "Interview me." "Blow me" or "Eat me" are not acceptable substitutes.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. I'll post the questions in the comments section of this post.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post on your blog.

5. When others comment, asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Onto the questions I was given by Stewie:

1. If no one would find out, would you dress up for a Cosplay convention or Furry convention? Who/what would you go as?
No, I wouldn't cosplay. It would bring too much attention to myself and I generally dislike that.

If I had to cosplay as something (at gun point) it would be something obscure and elitist of course.

2. What excuse are you going to give us at HorrorFind as to why your “girlfriend” couldn’t make it?
Honestly, if she doesn't go I won't have to make an excuse. I will not be there. Call me pussywhipped, but that is how the relationship works. We both give all or nothing.

3. If you had to, would you have sex with a 80 year old man or a 10 year old girl? Note, only one answer is acceptable, it’s one or the other.
I would have to go with the 80 year old man. I just couldn't bring myself to do that with a child.

4. For $100,000, would you put a glass rod up your ass and ride a motorcycle for a mile? What if it was over railroad tracks?
Nope. Too much risk for way too little money. $100k wouldn't even be close to buying me a 1 or 2 bedroom house in this area and it would have to be ATLEAST that. Hell, I couldn't even buy a decent (by decent I mean free of roaches) condo for that.

Besides, I already have too many ass problems and I like taking a dump too much to risk that.

5. Assuming necrophilia was both legal and socially acceptable, and you had the opportunity to have sex with a recently dead celebrity, who would it be? (By recently dead, you could chose, say, Marilyn Monroe immediately after she died from her OD. You wouldn’t have to dig her up now).
Louise Brooks. Definitely. The most beautiful actress to ever grace the screen. Of course, being socially unacceptable has never stopped me before in any of my sex acts.

If you're interested in being questioned by me (i will do my best to make it interesting) comment and request your questions.


Blogger Stewie said...

Is it wrong for me to at least consider the glass rod up my ass?

I mean, I don't think I would do it, but I'd consider it.

I'd have to see the road.

11:25:00 PM  
Blogger fnordboy said...

Yes, it is wrong.

Embrace your bowels!

11:46:00 PM  
Blogger Stewie said...

I'm honestly surprised on the cosplay.

Hell, even I'd do it if I knew no one would know.

Okay, maybe I wouldn't, but I'd be all over a furry convention. Don't you doubt that for a second.

12:06:00 AM  
Blogger Stewie said...

Oh, and I can't take credit for the 80 year old man/10 year old girl question.

It was a discussion I had at the star trek convention.

I couldn't answer it.

12:07:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Interview me. Please.

2:37:00 PM  
Blogger Nicki said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:38:00 PM  
Blogger Nicki said...

With the glass rod - would it have some sort of base at the end to prevent it from getting lost in your tushie? That question, along with a question of length would determine whether or not I would consider it.

8:01:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The glass rod begs too many questions. Length and thickness are very important. If it's stubby, I'd do it. It probably wouldn't break. If it was long and skinny, forget it!

$100k isn't that much. I'd be willing to do more for $500k. I'm not saying what though. None of you guys have $500k. 8P

8:26:00 PM  
Blogger Stewie said...

BFF's don't have secrets, Renaldo.

9:23:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

But an air of mystery keeps things fresh!

11:00:00 PM  
Blogger fnordboy said...

You know what is fresher?

Not having a glass rod break in your ass.

Renaldo... your ?s will be up tomorrow at some point. I need time to work out some good ones.

11:12:00 PM  
Blogger fnordboy said...

Renaldo, your question good sir!

1. You happen to be in Chicago on business at the same time as FreakMagnet is there for her Squier/Def Leppard concert. Do you say yes to her begging and go to the concert with her or do you make up a flimsy excuse (knowing full well that she won't believe it) just to save your precious ears from hearing that "music"?

2. What is the single most defining event in your childhood?

3. In case I hit the lottery: What sick act (by you) would $500k buy? Glass rod doesn't count.

4. If you could go back in time and save one famous person from dying and allowing them a few more years to share their talent with us all, who would you save and why?

5. Sex with limbless girl (torso and head) with fully functioning sex organs. Hot or Not? Why?

5.5 Bonus question: Would you let Gramps take photos for his personal collection?

12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Nicki said...

If I asked, would you interview me?

12:16:00 PM  
Blogger fnordboy said...

Yes I would.

Do you still want it?

8:59:00 PM  
Blogger Nicki said...

Hell, yes!

Bring it on, baby!!

10:08:00 PM  
Blogger fnordboy said...

Ok, you will get your ?s soon.

12:12:00 AM  

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