
Creepy bastards...

So I am sitting in my car listening to my MP3 player enjoying the beautiful weather on my break when I see a hideous black spider crawl across my dashboard. If there is one thing in this world that I am afraid of, it is spiders. I HATE them. I don't know what it is about them but they are creep little bastards.

Anyway, so I see this spider. My first instinct is to freeze, then it is to jump out of my car. After a few seconds I grow enough balls to take my shoe off and get back in the car ready to kill it. Of course it's psychic powers (like all these 8-legged things have) warns it that I am going to kill it and it runs by the window. There is enough sticking out that I know if I get a solid shot on it that it will die... I decide to take the chance.

Bad idea.

I know I got a piece of it, but not enough to kill it. It fell to the floor of my car and now I can't find it.

I am leaving work soon and I know that it is still there regaining it's strength. I am not looking forward to the drive home.


Blogger Nicki said...

What IS it with you men and spiders? You come across as all macho, and then you see something an inch big, and you freak out.

Steve not only freaks out, he runs away. He ran out of the house once and wouldn't come back in until it was dead, and another time jumped across the room onto his bed and stayed there, screaming like a little girl until I killed it.

I firmly believe they can smell fear. Go kick it's ass.

4:44:00 PM  
Blogger Stewie said...

Ignore her.

Spiders have fangs.

Their fangs have venom.

Their venom can kill you.

Unless you are a government trained spider killer, you made the right move.

10:23:00 PM  
Blogger Nicki said...


10:47:00 PM  

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